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Ting Fong Enterprise strives to help every individual experience the many benefits of martial arts and to provide the best customer service possible.

We are operating a physical shop. You are welcome to visit us at the following address.

Enquiry or Mail Order

Monday - Friday: 2pm - 6pm 
Saturday: 10am - 6pm

Mon - Fri: 10am - 2pm
by appointment only


Mail Order: We will send you an Invoice. You can pay direct through Invoice by Credit Card or

PayNow to 50726600E (UEN)

Scan SGQR below to pay by "Bank APP". or

Bank Transfer to: DBS Current 051-003597-6 (TING FONG ENTERPRISE)

Mail order will enjoy the benefits as Online purchase, including Free Local delivery(T&C) and Offer price (for Online purchase only).


1014 Geylang East Ave 3 #02-234, Singapore 389729

(Paya Lebar MRT station "Exit C" about 5 min walk)

Tel 65-6748 3235 |

Your details were sent successfully!

TFE PayNow 2.jpg
(Paya Lebar MRT station Exit C)

Use the following APP Scan to pay your "Offline Payment" or Mail order.
DBS PayLah, OCBC digital, UOB Mighty

Ting Fong| Offline Payment| SQQR
Ting Fong| Paya Lebar MRT| Exit C
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